An Industrial Standard Organized by SLon Has Implemented
Dec, 14. 2020 1919

    Recently, Jinhuan Magnetic Separator Ltd. organized the preparation of a mechanical industry standard “high gradient magnetic separator with internal cooling” (JB/T 13670-2019). The standard has been approved, and implemented on January 1st, 2020. The standard specifies the terms, definitions, product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marks, labels, operating instructions, packaging, transportation and storage of the internally cooled high-gradient magnetic separators.This machine is mainly used for the wet sorting of non-metallic weak magnetic minerals with fine and ultrafine particle sizes.  

    The promulgation of the standard further enriched the company’s standard sequence, and consolidated the leadship of SLon in the field of magnetic separation. Besides, the standard greatly expanded the influence of SLon’s brand, which plays an important role in the competitiveness of magnetic separators in the whole industrial chain.